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Gwinnett County Livestock and Fair Association is dedicated to the education of children and adults in the many facets of agriculture and its importance in our lives. It is the hope of this fair association that through our fair “children of all ages” can embrace the future of agriculture as well as the fun that is the FAIR.

We are dedicated to recognizing and supporting our students who are pursuing a higher education at an accredited institution in an undergraduate course of study in an agriculture-related field. These students are our leaders of tomorrow who will advance agriculture in an ever-changing world.

*This $5,000.00 scholarship is awarded annually to a high school student or current college student. Monetary award is paid directly to accredited institution and not to recipient.


  1. Applicant must be a resident of the State of Georgia and must be an active participant in a local 4-H, FFA, or other agriculture-related organization.
  2. Applicant must be nominated by a school official or teacher or a 4-H or FFA chapter sponsor/leader.
  3. Applications will be judged on the following basis:
    1. Scholastic Standing: 25% (Transcript of grades or proof of scholastic standing must be provided.)
    2. Citizenship and Leadership: 25% (Examples must be cited.)
    3. Community Service: 25% (Examples must be cited.)
    4. Local or State Fair Participation: 25% (Examples must be cited.) (Volunteer work at fair is acceptable.)
  4. All questions on the application form must be answered to be considered for the award.
  5. In addition to the application, the applicant must submit an essay of 1000 words or less on the topic “The Importance of Agricultural Education.” The essay should be typewritten with #12 Times Roman font, doubled spaced, and submitted in a separate sealed envelope attached to the application form.
  6. Scholarship forms and documentation are due no later than May 15. The recipient will be notified by August 1. The scholarship will be awarded on the opening night of the fair.

Completed application should be mailed to:

Scholarship Committee

Gwinnett County Livestock and Fair Association

P.O. Box 1352

Lawrenceville, GA 30046

*The Scholarship Committee reserves the right not to issue a scholarship if award recipient fails to fulfill the requirements.

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